Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée

Séminaires du LPTMC

15.3.2024 - 12.5.2024
  • Séminaire TQM: Dganit Meidan (BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israël)

    Date 02.05.2024 14:00 - 15:00
    Séminaires TQM

    Theory of free fermion dynamics – from monitored to post selected evolution

    Monitored quantum systems undergo Measurement-induced Phase Transitions (MiPTs) stemming from the interplay between measurements and unitary dynamics. When the detector readout is post- selected to match a given value, the dynamics is generated by a Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with MiPTs characterized by different universal features. Here, we derive a partial post-selected stochastic Schrodinger equation based on a microscopic description of continuous weak measurement. This formalism connects the monitored and post-selected dynamics to a broader family of stochastic evolution. We apply the formalism to a chain of free fermions subject to partial post-selected monitoring of local fermion parities. Within a 2-replica approach, we obtained an effective bosonized Hamiltonian in the strong post-selected limit. Using a renormalization group analysis, we find that the universality of the non-Hermitian MiPT is stable against a finite (weak) amount of stochasticity. We further show that the passage to the monitored universality occurs abruptly at finite partial post-selection, which we confirm from the numerical finite size scaling of the MiPT. Our approach establishes a way to study MiPTs for arbitrary subsets of quantum trajectories and provides a potential route to tackle the experimental post-selected problem.

  • Alessio Lerose (University of Oxford)

    24.04.2024 10:45 - 11:45

    Synthetic quantum matter out of equilibrium: A few recent advances from theory to simulation

    "Synthetic matter" has emerged as a new paradigm of quantum many-body physics, characterized by unprecedented degree of spatiotemporal control and programmability of Hamiltonian interactions. If on the one hand these experimental developments bring us closer to Feynman's vision of a universal quantum simulator for challenging open questions in many-body physics, on the other hand new fundamental theory questions on the behavior of quantum matter far from thermal equilibrium become accessible. Thermalization dynamics of isolated quantum systems and non-thermal states of matter are now at the center of multiple research efforts in theoretical physics. In this talk I will describe recent advances in understanding the mechanism of thermalization as well as long-lived non-equilibrium states of matter. Specifically, I will introduce an influence-functional approach to quantum many-body dynamics and describe preliminary evidence that it helps classifying non-equilibrium universal behavior. Furthermore, I will discuss the synthetic-matter version of the celebrated Coleman's false-vacuum decay scenario, and show that unique dynamical features appear, including emergent quasi-many-body-localized dynamics of interfaces and metastable long-range order. In parallel, I will describe how such theoretical advances led to unforeseen developments in applications, from a numerical method for strongly correlated electrons to a strategy for quantum simulation of real-time phenomena in lattice gauge theories.

  • Manuel Pino (Nanotechnology Group, Universidad de Salamanca)

    25.03.2024 10:45 - 11:45

    Correlated volumes for metallic wavefunctions on a random-regular graph

    We study the metallic phase of the Anderson model in a random-regular graph, specifically the
    degree of ergodicity of the high-energy wavefunctions. We use the multifractal formalism to analyze numerical data for unprecedented large system sizes, obtaining a set of correlated volumes which control finite-size effects. Those volumes grow very fast with disorder strength but show no tendency to diverge, at least in an intermediate metallic regime. Close to the Anderson transitions, we characterize the crossover to system sizes much smaller than the first correlated volume. Once this crossover has taken place, we obtain evidence of a scaling in which the derivative of the first fractal dimension behaves critically with an exponent ν = 1.

    The talk is based on the following works:

    -  Correlated volumes for extended wavefunctions on a random-regular graph.

    M Pino, JE Roman arXiv preprint. ArXiv:2311.07690 (2023)

    -  Scaling up the Anderson transition in random-regular graphs.

    M Pino. Physical Review Research 2 (4), 042031 (2020)

    - From ergodic to non-ergodic chaos in Rosenzweig–Porter model.

    M Pino, J Tabanera, P Serna Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (47), 475101 (2019)

  • Laurens Vanderstraeten (University of Gent)

    19.03.2024 10:45 - 11:45

    Quantum spin liquids and tensor networks

    Quantum spin liquids are strongly-correlated systems of spins that do not order at zero temperature. As a result, they exhibit exciting collective many-body effects such as topological order, quantum criticality and quasiparticle fractionalization. In this talk, I will explain how we can model these systems naturally using the language of tensor networks. I will show that this gives us insight into the nature of a spin liquid wavefunction, and allows us to perform numerical simulations of candidate models for realizing spin liquid physics.

  • Fabrizio Minganti (EPFL)

    18.03.2024 10:45 - 11:45

    Criticality, computing, and chaos in open quantum systems.

    Quantum technologies represent a frontier of both fundamental and applied research, with global efforts aimed at developing quantum computers and simulation platforms that address practical challenges. However, the current era, known as the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era [1], presents a unique set of challenges. In NISQ systems, quantum devices are open, interacting with their environment and experiencing dissipation. This dissipation poses a significant obstacle to the large-scale fabrication of quantum hardware, potentially limiting quantum advantages by degrading crucial properties like entanglement.

    NISQ devices consist of numerous interacting particles undergoing both local and non-local unitary processes. They are also subject to non-unitary effects from the environment, active measurements, and feedback operations. As such, they can only be modeled within the framework of many-body open quantum systems. In these systems, the interplay between dissipative and Hamiltonian evolution leads to states and phenomena distinct from those observed in equilibrium condensed matter physics. In this presentation, I will delve into the understanding and investigation of these emergent properties in open quantum systems. The focus will particularly be on critical phenomena like phase transitions [2] and chaos [3], highlighting their unique features. I will also showcase the recent experimental demonstrations of our theoretical predictions [4,5].

    While in many applications dissipation is a barrier to overcome, given appropriate engineering of the system-environment coupling, dissipation can be a resource. Indeed, dissipative processes can be used to steer the dynamics of NISQ systems, bypassing the hardware limitation determined by design and fabrication, such as energy, couplings, connectivity, etc. I will discuss how leveraging the distinctive features of open quantum systems and its emergent phenomena significantly boost the performance of quantum hardware, with a specific focus on their applications in quantum information encoding [6] and precision metrology [7].

    [1] J. Preskill, Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond, Quantum 2, 79 (2018).
    [2] FM, A. Biella, N. Bartolo, and C. Ciuti, Spectral theory of Liouvillians for dissipative phase transitions, Phys. Rev. A 98, 042118 (2018).
    [3] F. Ferrari, L. Gravina, D. Eeltink, P. Scarlino, V. Savona, and FM, Transient and steady-state quantum chaos in driven-dissipative bosonic systems, arXiv 2305.15479 (2023).
    [4] G. Beaulieu, FM, S. Frasca, V. Savona, S. Felicetti, R. D. Candia, and P. Scarlino, Observation of first- and second-order dissipative phase transitions in a two-photon driven Kerr resonator, arXiv 2310.13636 (2023).
    [5] L. P. Peyruchat, F. Ferrari, FM, and P. Scarlino, Signature of dissipative quantum chaos in coupled nonlinear driven resonators, in preparation.
    [6] L. Gravina, FM, and V. Savona, Critical Schrödinger Cat Qubit, PRX Quantum 4, 020337 (2023).
    [7] R. Di Candia, FM, K. V. Petrovnin, G. S. Paraoanu, and S. Felicetti, Critical parametric quantum sensing, npj Quantum Information 9, 23 (2023).